For community partner referrals/inquiries please email [email protected]

Cathedral Center’s Community Case Management (CCM) Program utilizes our Flexible Housing approach, with the goals of preventing and ending homelessness, and creating housing stability. Our Community Case Management Program serves unaccompanied women, and families with children, who are at risk of becoming homeless or experiencing a housing crisis.

Families served include single parents (men or women), two-parent households, and multigenerational families with dependent children. This collaborative program provides women and families with a direct link to a variety of community-wide supportive services.

Program Features
  • Experienced Case Managers provide comprehensive assessment of clients’ needs
  • Service coordination for continued housing, including advocacy with host families or current landlord
  • Development of goals around housing, income, health, and self-care
  • Problem solving to remove barriers to safe and stable housing
  • Assistance with food, personal care, and other basic needs items
  • Short-term flexible financial support
  • Follow up as needed, after safe and stable housing is secured
  • Unaccompanied women and families who are in unstable housing situations such as staying with family/friends; at risk of losing their housing. Families include single parents (men or women), two-parent households, and multigenerational families, each with minor children.
  • Must be defined as Category 2 Homeless (CoC and ESG Homeless Eligibility - Four Categories in the Homeless Definition)

We would like to thank our partners, Friendship House and United Way for providing funding for this program. We greatly appreciate your generosity and support. Thank you for believing in our mission!

Contact Information


  • Referrals/Inquiries: Please email [email protected] or call (414) 831-0394 to be connected to a CCM staff member.

The Cathedral Center’s community case management Outcomes

34 Unaccompanied Women Were Served
in the Community by
Our Community Case Managers...

As Well As 111 Families Comprised
of 111 Adults & 271 Children.

100% of Women & Families Stabilized
Their Current Housing or
Safely Moved to Stable Housing.


The Cathedral Center

845 N. Van Buren Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

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The Cathedral Center